Step 1: First, you need a Bitcoin wallet. This is where your bitcoins are stored.
The Original Bitcoin Client Wallet is free, open-source software. For windows you can download the wallet application Here. For Mac/Apple users click this link Here. And if you are using a Linux box you can download your new wallet Here. If the wallet links provided are not to your liking or a bit to complicated here are some simple alternatives which will allow you to have a simple wallet, although it may have less advanced features, they will be much simpler to utilize. Electrum is one of these such wallets, to get Electrum click Here.Vanilla wallet is also a simple GUI wallet. Click Here.
Step 2: Second, you need to actually get bitcoins, and this can be done in a variety of ways.
Coinbase provides a means to rapidly transfer funds into, out of and between bitcoin exchanges far faster than the usual methods through automating the entire process. Traditionally, bitcoin exchanges handle deposits and withdrawals using several methods, some of which can be annoyingly slow with delays of up to a week before funds are available for use. During this waiting period, as with any currency, exchange rates can fluctuate and you may not get the same amount you would have been able to at the time you begun your deposit. If you cannot purchase any at this moment, you can start your journey into the bitcoin world by building up your collection of bitcoins gradually. A great place to start is at a "Faucet" (It drops slowly but gradually will fill up your wallet. Here is one such faucet at
To learn about pool mining click the banner below, and start earning bitcoins using your computer hardware.
Step 3: Third, you now get to spend them, here are some of the most popular locations to purchase items with your newly acquired bitcoins.
Now that you have your coins in your wallet, what to do with them? Well here are some of the most popular sites available to spend your bitcoins for real tangible products or non tangibles such as services.